8am-4:30pm M-TH
We understand the importance of communication. We value our vendors who communicate promptly and effectively to us and thus we strive to ensure our communication is in the top of its class. Effective communication is the core of the efficiency which drives our shop. This communication must not be limited to in-house. In order to ensure the quality and speed that we promise, we extend this communication to everyone from vendors to customers. Customers can be sure that when a question arises or if an issue needs to be solved, we are on the other end of the phone, email, and even text to supply fast and effective answers and solutions. Our communication starts before a project and continues after the project.
Quality, Efficiency, and Cost
This is the impossible triad right? Not at all. This is our foundation. These are the essentials that we start with. From these we offer great customer support, value added services, and much more. However, they are not to be overlooked. We DO NOT ship sub-par products. Each and every product will be perfect when it leaves our shop and if for some reason there is an issue, we make it right.
One way we ensure efficiency is by innovating at every step of the process. Each project is unique and there are new unique ways to speed up each and every project. Whether that is workholding, tool paths, new tooling, machine operation optimization, lean practices in the shop, etc., we will actively search for and implement new methods at no extra cost to ensure maximum efficiency. Additionally, we will scale our shop accordingly to accommodate said jobs and make sure they are done on time, every time.
Lastly, cost. How are we able to do all of that at an affordable price you may ask? We run our shop lean and we don't get bogged down with slow workflows. Additionally, for now we do not hold an ISO 9001 or ITAR certification. While this may be a deal breaker for some, jobs that don't require it, don't pay for it. It's that simple.
Of course there is no obligation. We would love to quote your work or even talk about its manufacturability. Try calling to see our responsiveness. We urge you to believe what we say not, because we say it, but because you see it.